Established only a few months ago, The David Gemmell Award has received a lot of buzz in its quest to crown the top Fantasy novel of the year.

From the The David Gemmell Awardweb site:

The DGLA will be presented for the very first time in 2009 for the best Fantasy novel of 2008. The award will be given to a work written in the ‘spirit’ of the late, great David Gemmell, a true Master of Heroic Fantasy.

And, we want YOU – the readers who love the genre to VOTE to decide who makes the Short-list!

Though seeming to focus mostly on the Epic Fantasy sub-genre, The David Gemmell Award is a great cause in turning the spotlight towards an oft maligned (at least in Internetland of late) area of Fantasy, and honouring a legend. So get on over there and vote! There are over 80 novels on the long list, so there’s sure to be something there you’ve read and enjoyed.

You can vote HERE.

  • edifanob December 28, 2008 at 2:21 am

    Yeah, please vote.

    I voted today and I did it without reading all novels.

  • James (Speculative Horizons) December 28, 2008 at 7:04 am

    I’ve already voted for Kearney’s The Ten Thousand. Somehow I doubt you’ll be voting for that novel as well, Aidan! ;)

  • Sarah December 29, 2008 at 4:00 am

    I’ll be voting for “The Red Wolf Conspiracy” by Robert V.S. Redick :-)