When John first created the SF Link-up meme, he certainly never expected a song to be written about it. Well, that’s exactly what John Anealio from Sci Fi Songs did!

Sci-Fi Song #14 was inspired by the Book Reviewers Linkup Meme started by John Ottinger III of the Grasping for the Wind blog. This meme really helped to unite and galvanize the Sci-Fi and Fantasy community. I’ve been writing and recording music for Sci-Fi Songs since this past summer. In that time, it seems that something happens every few weeks that causes the SFF blogging community to become even more vibrant than it was before. John’s meme is a perfect example.

“Grasping for the Wind (The Linkup Meme Song)” is a tribute to all of the blogs that I read and to the wonderful people who I have had the pleasure of connecting with since I started Sci-Fi Songs.

A Dribble of Ink being included in the song makes me just downright giddy. Check out John’s (the musical John) blog to hear the song and find out more about the process that went into writing and recording it.

You can find the song HERE.

  • edifanob January 2, 2009 at 3:45 pm

    Excellent stuff. The world of blogs is full of surpises.