From Mihai, at Dark Wolf Fantasy Reviews:

French Edition of Lamentation by Ken Scholes

French publisher Bragelonne is gaining a reputation for producing some of the best Fantasy covers, even above the heavy-weight American publishers. This cover, with artwork from Marc Simonetti, for Ken Scholes’ Lamentation is another great example of why. Rather than focusing on a hodge-podge, or generic photo montage, Bragalonne commissioned a very distinct piece of art featuring Rudolfo, one of Lamentation‘s many lead characters, watching over the Desolation of Windwir, a central piece of imagery from the the novel. Very nice, and much preferable to the recently released covers for the North American editions of Canticle and Antiphon.

If you’re interested in seeing more of Simonetti’s art, you can read and interview between him and Mihai HERE.

  • Kendall April 20, 2010 at 7:11 pm

    VERY nice!

  • Shawn April 24, 2010 at 8:21 am

    That cover is a work of art. From the artwork itself to the typography of the name and the title. Just gorgeous. Why the hell is it so hard for publishers recently to get covers right?

    I’m fairly certain it must have something to do with them trying to pander to both the fantasy readership and the non-traditional/mainstream readers. When all they really need to do is put together a gorgeous cover. Are publishers outthinking themselves right into a coffin? Hmm…

  • Mary Okah July 29, 2015 at 6:30 pm

    Would love to see more of this. Do you know if anyone has done any work illustrating the works of R. Lee Smith?