Wonderful Stylized Maps of GRRM's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' from J.E. Fullerton Wonderful Stylized Maps of GRRM's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' from J.E. Fullerton Wonderful Stylized Maps of GRRM's 'A Song of Ice and Fire' from J.E. Fullerton

From artist J.E. Fullerton, we’ve got a collection of wonderful, classically-styled maps of various regions and cities from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. I love all of the little Where’s Waldoesque easter eggs hidden throughout, creating a fun game for fans of the series. It’s also great to see the maps realized in a way that could represent what a decorative map in that world might resemble (like a Westeros version of the Beyeux Tapestry or old maps from the 1500s), albeit in a more cartoony fashion.

Nice high resolution versions of the images I posted are available in his DeviantArt Gallery, along with 15 more maps on his gallery, including The Vale, Old Town, Beyond the Wall and The Stormlands.
