THE MISTBORN TRILOGY by Brandon Sanderson (eBook)

Over on, Weber talks about the cover:

At one point she is named “beautiful destroyer,” and I think in many ways that is exactly what I was trying to convey when I painted her. I rolled that phrase around in my head a lot while working on this. Although I’ll never be able to make one picture capable of encompassing everything I love about this series, I’m pleased that I was given the opportunity to express a mood and atmosphere that does my vision of the story justice.

Lovely. Captures all the mood of the trilogy and, in a rare instance, Weber actually seems to have depicted a version of a main character that’s close to the one in my head. It’s simple, but manages to evoke all the best aspects of the series (read: not the ballroom scenes). Very reminiscent of Weber’s equally accomplished cover for the eBook edition of The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan.
