Via The Wertzone:

ELANTRIS by Brandon Sanderson (UK)

On the heels of yesterday’s lovely cover for the eBook edition of Sanderson’s The Mistborn Trilogy comes the UK cover for Elantris. It’s his older debut novel, first hitting North American shelves in 2005, but is only now being released in the United Kingdom.

Gollancz has really nailed a brand for Sanderson, playing off the previous covers for The Mistborn Trilogy and The Way of Kings. Like the cover for The Final Empire, there’s a wonderful sense of balance between the charcoal grey and the green mist. It’s perhaps not quite as suitable an image for Elantris as it was for The Mistborn Trilogy, but it’s still haunting and eye-catching. Brandon Sanderson’s lucked out big time and manage great covers on his novels in both of the major English-speaking regions.

  • […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aidan Moher, Fantasy. Fantasy said: RT @adribbleofink Another wonderful cover for @BrandonSandrson. This time around, it's the UK cover for ELANTRIS: […]

  • Tom Lloyd January 21, 2011 at 1:47 am

    While I don’t think the actual artistic skill is anything amazing, I’m a definite fan of the overall style and approach they’re using for his books. It’s a bit different and interesting which is always to be encouraged.

  • Tim Cottrell January 21, 2011 at 3:51 am

    Of the five of these I have seen so far, this is my second favourite, after The Final Empire, which stunned me on first view.

    Gollancz seem determined to to put a load of white towards the end of my bookshelf, which makes a change from the soon to be 14 books of WoT mostly in black near the beginning. Have you seen anything else by Sam Green (cover Illustrator)?