Via DIY:

First look at the Dwarfs from THE HOBBIT

Nori, Ori and Dori

First look at the Dwarfs from THE HOBBIT

Fili and Kili

First look at the Dwarfs from THE HOBBIT

Bombur, Bifur, and Bofur

First look at the Dwarfs from THE HOBBIT

Oin and Gloin

Yeah… not quite how I pictured them in my head. Still, I suppose it would have made for a somewhat visually bland (and confusing) cast of characters if each of the dwarfs had been hoary, white-bearded curmudgeons like these guys:

Dwarfs from THE LORD OF THE RINGS movie

Even if they’ll take some getting used to, it assures me that Jackson has the intent to capture some of The Hobbit‘s wonderful humour and light-heartedness; though those irked by Gimli in The Lord of the Rings adaptation likely won’t appreciate this interpretation of Tolkien’s dwarfs. Now, if only they’d release photos of the dwarfs I actually care about!

EDIT: Bombur and Gloin! via Blastr
