The Wheel of Time, A MEMORY OF LIGHTWell, it’s official, and likely to annoy some fans of The Wheel of Time:


A Memory of Light will release on January 8, 2013, in the final month of the Year of the Dragon.

Consider that the first draft of the novel has completed for a few months (and some parts of it, including the ending, for years), a lot of us expected that the book would hit shelves this holiday season, somewhere between September and November. To see it pushed into 2013 is a bit of a surprise. No surprise gifts underneath the Christmas tree, I guess. Oh well, though, at least that gives me a few extra months to catch up to the series and read the final volume alongside the rest of the fans.

Now, the real question is, when will we get the cover art and who will be the artist responsible?

  • Rob B February 16, 2012 at 11:02 am

    I’m guessing some big time releases from the Tor in the fall and they didn’t want AMOL to detract from those and vice-versa.

    “Oh well, though, at least that gives me a few extra months to catch up to the series and read the final volume alongside the rest of the fans.”

    I was thinking the same thing, I’ve got half of the series left to read before I can get to AMOL.

  • Arcanist February 16, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Well, anothzer question is: Has it any consequense for the publication date of Stormlight 2?

  • aidan February 16, 2012 at 12:27 pm

    @Arcanist — My guess, no.

  • Miles February 17, 2012 at 11:13 am

    I want to see Stormlight 2 in my hands so badly… As for the cover artist, I’d be blown away and amazed to see Raymond Swanland tapped again. Yes, -please-.

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  • Clifton Hill March 1, 2012 at 10:11 am

    There’s a date, I’m happy. I can wait, so long as it is perfect. No pressure, Sanderson. No pressure. ;-)