Shannara Family TreeShannaraFamilyTree-1ShannaraFamilyTree-3ShannaraFamilyTree-2

One of the most unique aspects of Terry Brooks’ Shannara series is its unerring dedication to following the Ohmsford and Leah family lines as each new generation finds trouble for themselves in the Four Lands (and beyond, in some cases.) Since I first discovered Brooks, the Ohmsfords and the Leahs have held a special place in my heart, and the hearts of many fantasy readers like me. So, it makes perfect sense that Orbit Books, Brooks’ UK publisher, would create such a loving family tree to illustrate the labyrinthine connections between the two families.

You find a high resolution (like, really high resolution) version of the family tree on Orbit’s Facebook page, where you can also enter to win a gorgeous print by voting for your favourite Shannara generation. Fun stuff, great series.

  • jazzfeathers July 12, 2014 at 6:56 am

    I read the earier books in the series a looooong time ago, and I remember enjoying them a lot.
    this tree looks fantastic!