Price of Valor Red

In the wake of the King’s death, war has come to Vordan.

The Deputies-General has precarious control of the city, but it is led by a zealot who sees traitors in every shadow. Executions have become a grim public spectacle. The new queen, Raesinia Orboan, finds herself nearly powerless as the government tightens its grip and assassins threaten her life. But she did not help free the country from one sort of tyranny to see it fall into another. Placing her trust with the steadfast soldier Marcus D’Ivoire, she sets out to turn the tide of history.

As the hidden hand of the Sworn Church brings all the powers of the continent to war against Vordan, the enigmatic and brilliant general Janus bet Vhalnich offers a path to victory. Winter Ihernglass, newly promoted to command a regiment, has reunited with her lover and her friends, only to face the prospect of leading them into bloody battle.

And the enemy is not just armed with muskets and cannon. Dark priests of an ancient order, wielding forbidden magic, have infiltrated Vordan to stop Janus by whatever means necessary…

Price of Valor is the third volume of Wexler’s Shadow Campaigns series, which has been popular among readers and critics alike. Reminiscent of the Orbit Books’ covers for Brian McClellan’s Powder Mage series, the covers of all three novels embrace the themes of colonialism that run through Wexler’s series.

As a proper English-speaking blogger, I am, of course, upset that they forgot the ‘U’ in the word ‘Valour,’ but I shall let it slide, forgiving the transgression as a result of the overall Ammmmuuurrriccaaannnaaaa design of the cover. And so, as a cold-blooded Canadian, I’d have much preferred to see the Eagle on the flag replaced with a piece of bacon, the sabre with a wood axe, and the military uniform tossed aside in favour of a nice Canadian Tuxedo. ‘Cause, hey, there can never be enough Canadiana in the world, right?

The cover art for The Price of Valor is by Paul Youll.

Price of Valor is coming from Roc Books in July, 2015.

  • Paul Weimer November 6, 2014 at 6:31 pm

    You know, I kinda agree with you on the Valour bit–see Mary Robinette Kowal’s Valour and Vanity, which has the u in it.

  • Jordan November 6, 2014 at 9:45 pm

    Love Wexler’s work, but I think this is the weakest cover so far. It seems too generic.

  • Peterbound November 7, 2014 at 8:35 am

    I dig it. Maybe they’ll put a ‘U’ in the Canadian edition. Wait… is there such a thing?

  • Tallis November 7, 2014 at 8:58 am

    Who’s the cover artist? I think it’s surely polite to give props to the man or woman who put all that effort in (not that you’d ever find the ill-mannered likes of Orbit or Roc bothering…).

  • Aidan Moher November 7, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    @Tallis — Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve added the artist credit (Paul Youll) to the original post.

  • […] Cover: The Price of Valor by Django Wexler, posted by A Dribble of Ink […]

  • Locus Mortis (@Locusmortiis) November 13, 2014 at 12:34 pm

    The castle in the background of this cover looks very much like the one in the background on the cover to Stella Gemmell’s “The City”