
After nearly two decades, K.J. Parker’s identity has been revealed.

“For 17 years,” wrote Jared Shurin of Pornokitsch, who secured the opportunity to reveal Parker’s true name, “the identity of K.J. Parker has been one of fantasy literature’s most tightly-kept secrets.

Now, after a dozen novels, a collection of short stories, a handful of essays and two World Fantasy Award wins, K.J. Parker has stepped forward – as author Tom Holt.”

Fans have been trying to discover Parker’s identity for years, and the most earnest detectives will not be surprised by the reveal. Holt (or, more intriguingly, his wife) has long been considered the front runner, with Neth Space calling it way back in 2012. Some readers will be disappointed that Parker was not a woman after all, which was a another widely supported theory, even leading some to believe that Parker was Kim Holt, Tom Holt’s wife. Still, it was fun while it lasted.

In addition to the official reveal, Parker/Holt was also on the Coode Street podcast, chatting about his new serialized novel, The Two of Swords. And, if you’re looking for something really recursive, here’s an Tom Holt interviewing K.J. Parker for Subterranean Magazine in 2010.

  • Matt W April 21, 2015 at 8:59 pm

    This is huge news. I discover now that I hoped this was a mystery that was never solved. And I’m pretty disappointed that Parker turned out not to be a woman.

  • Josep April 23, 2015 at 10:06 am

    This is really weird, since Parker’s books are much better than Holt’s. He really managed to create two very distinct voices.

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