Monthly Archives: January 2008

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon


AuthorDiana Gabaldon

Pages: 896 pages
Publisher: Dell
Release Date: June 1st, 1991
ISBN-10: 0440242940
ISBN-13: 978-0440242949

In the never ending quest to get my girlfriend to read some good Fantasy Literature, I often myself have to make some concessions and read some of the books that she loves and raves about. This is how I came to read Outlander, the first volume in Diana Gabaldon’s ongoing series revolving around time-travelling Claire Beauchamp and to-good-to-be-true Jamie Fraser.

One major misconception I had going in to the novel, just like many other male readers out there, I imagine, is that Outlander was a book for chicks – a romance novel only found in the regular fiction section because of it’s incredible success.

Boy was I wrong.
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I just thought some of you might be interested in what Jeff is doing over at his blog, Fantasy Book News & Reviews. In the face of a new baby (congrats, Jeff!), he’s decided that instead of spending the little time he has reading and writing reviews, he would instead become an index for all the different reviews available on the myriad of Speculative Fiction blogs out there.

The index is a little sparse right now, but it shows a lot of promise and once he fills out the content with more blogs, it’s sure to be a great resource for those looking to hunt down reviews of the novels they’re looking to read. He’s planning on going back at least two years for each blog, so he’s sure to have a huge breadth of novels in no time!

If you’re interested, you can check out the Author Review Index HERE.

Dark Wraith of Shannara by Terry BrooksAnd the winner of the Advance Reader Copy of Terry Brooks upcoming Graphic Novel, Dark Wraith of Shannara is…


Teresa Warner

Congratulations, Teresa! I’ll be dropping it in the mail for you on monday! This giveaway was a huge success, with an impressive number of submissions! Thanks to all who entered.

The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick RothfussPatrick Rothfuss, acclaimed author of The Name of the Wind, has taken some flak in the recent weeks after it was announced that his second novel, The Wise Man’s Fear, would miss its April 2008 release date. This was especially aggravating when Rothfuss and his publisher, DAW, indicated that the second and third books were finished even before they signed Rothfuss.

Well, Rothfuss has come out with a post on his official blog about the matter and, to be frank, if the delay doesn’t seem fair after reading the reasoning behind it, you’ve no heart at all.

You can find the whole explanation HERE.

My best wishes go out to Pat and his family and I, for one, will be as patient as needed to give Pat the time he needs to make the novel as perfect as possible.

UPDATE – April 13th, 2009: For a more recent look at the delays behind The Wise Man’s Fear click HERE.

Pat, from the Fantasy Hotlist, recently dug up the (completely awesome) cover art for Richard Morgan’s upcoming foray into the Fantasy genre.


The Steel Remains by Richard K. Morgan

When a man you know to be of sound mind tells you his recently deceased mother has just tried to climb in his bedroom window and eat him, you have two options. You can smell his breath, take his pulse and check his pupils to see if he’s ingested anything nasty, or you can believe him. Ringil Angeleyes had already tried the first course of action with Bashka the Schoolmaster to no avail, so he put down his pint with an elaborate sigh and went to get his broadsword. And he’s not the only one to be dragged from the serious business of drinking for something as mundane as the walking dead. Archeth – pragmatist, cynic and engineer – is called from her work at the whim of the most powerful man in the Empire. Ekar Dragonbane finds himself entangled in a small-town battle between common sense and religious fervour. And after a personal encounter with the vengeful gods Poltar the Shaman is about to be an awful lot more careful who he prays to. Anti-social, anti-heroic, and decidedly irritated, all four of them are about to be sent unwillingly forth into a vicious, vigorous and thoroughly unsuspecting fantasy world.

I’ve got to say, if his novel is anywhere near as cool as the cover, then we are in for a treat. You can check out Morgan’s web site HERE.

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