Monthly Archives: December 2008

This one’s an easy one. It’s Christmas and my family’s in a giving mood, naturally I like my list to be full of scrumptious novels to read by the fire.

So far I’ve got:

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
Watchmen by Alan Moore
The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling
Black Man by Richard Morgan.

The question is simple this time around:

What novels should be on my Christmas list? What novels are on your Christmas/Kwanza/Hanukkah/I’m-just-a-greedy-bastard/Holiday List?


Snagged this one off of Fantastic Fiction, it looks like the cover art for China Mieville’s upcoming novel, The City & The City.

They City & The City by China Mieville

From Subterannean Press:

In such novels as King Rat, Perdido Street Station, and Iron Council, China Mieville established himself as one of the most original writers currently working in any genre. In his latest, The City & the City, Mieville has outdone himself, giving us a multi-layered urban fantasy of extraordinary complexity and depth.

The story begins when Tyador Borlu, senior detective in the Extreme Crime Squad of the city of Beszel, is called to the scene of a particularly vicious homicide. When the victim turns out to be a young female student with dubious political connections and a controversial history, the investigation spills over into the neighboring city of Ul Qoma. Once there, Borlu enters a labyrinth of violence and corruption that will alter the course of his career.

The City & the City is a brilliantly conceived, masterfully executed novel whose intricate plot encompasses myth and legend, political and cultural divisions, corporate greed, and the arcane forces that move behind the scenes of a beautifully realized urban landscape. Effortlessly blurring the boundaries between mystery, fantasy, and mainstream fiction, it is the most impressive, fully developed work to date by a writer of vast ambition and seemingly limitless gifts.

Looks a mite early (and mighty blury), but rather in line with Mieville’s recent releases. Thoughts?

Blood Ties by Pamela Freeman

Blood Ties

AuthorPamela Freeman

Pages: 480 pages
Publisher: Orbit Books
Release Date: April 7, 2008
ISBN-10: 0316033464
ISBN-13: 978-0316033466

A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about how I was feeling over saturated with Epic Fantasy. You know the kind – evil forces, semi-medieval world, lots of horses and swords and even a smattering of magic thrown in for good measure. It’s the kind of story I grew up on, but it just wasn’t floating my boat anymore.

Pamela Freeman was one of several authors to respond to the article and she had some interesting things to say about her first foray into adult fiction and why she’s trying to make a difference in the Epic Fantasy sub-genre:

I did a lot of reading in the genre for a doctorate, and I found that I was getting jaded, too – when I looked at why, I realised that a lot of secondary world writers were setting up the world and the magic in the first book, and then just letting the story/politics/war run to its conclusion, without revealing anything new. As a reader, I wasn’t getting a constantly renewed sense of wonder about the world, and since I read epic fantasy as least as much for the world as for the plot, I was getting bored.I kept wanting someone else to read the third book for me and just tell me what happened. I am trying hard not to let that happen in the Castings Trilogy, but maybe that means I’m slowing the plot down…nothing’s simple. The great advantage epic fantasy has is that it’s – epic; like Tolkien, I wanted to try my hand a really long story

Curious to see if Freeman could back up her words, I tossed Blood Ties into my backpack along with several other novels for the cross country journey. Could Freeman really be tackling Epic Fantasy in a new way?

The answer’s more complicated than a simple yes or no.
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Over a year ago, Square Enix rocked the videogame world by announcing that Dragon Quest IX (the next chapter in the ultra-successful Dragon Quest series) wouldn’t be coming to a next-gen system (Playstation 3, Xbox360 or Wii), but rather to the equally successful DS. When the announcement had time to settle in, it made a bit of sense: 1 in every 6 Japanese owns a Nintendo DS.

Along with the announcement of a price and release date for the DS entry in the series, Square Enix also announced that Dragon Quest X will be coming for the DS’s bigger brother, the Wii.

Via 1UP:

Square Enix just announced Dragon Quest X is coming to the Wii. Considered the most important game franchise in Japan, this Dragon Quest announcement is a huge win for Nintendo and its Wii console. Sure, X wouldn’t be the first Dragon Quest game to hit the Wii (the DQ spinoff Dragon Quest Swords was released on the platform earlier this year), but it would be the first true Dragon Quest sequel to hit a Nintendo console since Enix took the series to Sony’s consoles with Dragon Quest VII (PS1) and Dragon Quest VIII (PS2). It’s significant.

Unfortunately, few other details are known about the RPG yet, but Nintendo president Satoru Iwata (shown above with Square Enix president Yoichi Wada and Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii) was on hand and rightfully thrilled.

Interestingly, the new issue of EGM magazine has a rumor that Dragon Quest IX will also be appearing on the Wii, similar to how Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Echoes of Time will be playable on both the Nintendo DS and Wii. Whether this pans out or not, it’s clear Square Enix is moving more of its development resources over to the Wii.

Satoru Iwata recently announced that the Wii sold 800,000 units in one week! And the cash keeps rolling in for Nintendo.

John, from Gasping for the Wind, has put together a meme to help bolster his blogroll, but also as a means to spread the word about all the other blogs out there.

And, well, I want to help his cause! Here’s what John had to say:

My list of fantasy and sf book reviewers is woefully out of date. I need your help to fix that. But rather than go through the hassle of having you send me recommendations or sticking them in comments, what you can do is take the following list and stick it on your website, then add yourself to the list, preferably in alphabetical order. That way, I will be able to track it across the web from back links, and can add each new blog to my roll as it comes along. So take this list, add it to your blog, and add a link to your blog on it. If you are already on the list, repost this meme at your blog so others can see it, and find new blogs from the links others put up on their blogs. Everybody wins! Be sure to send the list around to others as well.

So go on, check them out! You may even find your new favourite blog! And if you have a blog, add yourself to the list and keep the meme going!

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