Joss Whedon's FireflyAlright, this is just too crazy/awesome not to make mention of. As a huge Firefly fan (seriously, check it out, it’s Bonanza meets Star Trek meets pure, unadulterated Awesomeness) I’m always stoked to find other Brown Coats… especially when they’re well known, prolific authors who are writing their own stories set in that universe.

Steven Brust, best known for his Vlad Taltos novels, has just released his very own Firefly novel, titled My Own Kind of Freedom under the creative commons license. Though it’s not associated officially with Joss Whedon or the owners of the Firefly copyright, essentially making it nothing more than well-written (by all accounts of those who have read it) fan-fiction, it’s still a cool little treat for fans of the sadly debunked show.

You can find more discussion and information about it on Whedonesque and you can download the short novel HERE. Browncoats should surely check it out.

  • Robert February 7, 2008 at 7:38 am

    Thanks for the heads up on this! I loved Firefly as well :) Plus I thought Serenity was awesome! Never read anything by Steven Brust, but I think I’ll have to check this out…

  • Chris (The Book Swede) February 7, 2008 at 9:34 am

    I’ve yet to see any Firefly, living in the UK is a pain. I’ve found a couple of websites with them on, but the audio is out of sync with the video!

    The Book Swede

  • heather (errantdreams) February 11, 2008 at 8:35 am

    Thanks for the heads-up! I’m definitely running off to download this. Firefly is one of my all-time favorite series.

  • aidan February 11, 2008 at 10:19 am

    Glad to see others are interested in it! Brusts efforts inspired me to throw my DVD’s back in the player and give the show another go around.

    I’ve gotta say, it’s even better than I remember it being!

  • taryn February 22, 2008 at 12:36 pm

    Fabulous! Thanks for this, I’m definitely going to download it! IO loed Firefly and go Josh for sticking it to the network and making it into a movie…although I’d loved to have watched more. I was just thinking about Firefly after seeing Summer Glau in the new Terminator series. Cheers!

  • […] giddy. Can’t wait to see who they have involved outside of Espenson. Notably, Steven Brust wrote a creative commons licensed Firefly novel, released for free on his web site. Could he be included among the […]