Like the fellow who meme’d me (Neth from Neth Space) I’m not a big fan of chain letters (which is essentially what this is). They always scared me as a kid… because they told me I’d be cursed if I didn’t send it to 27 people… and when you’re only 10 you definitely don’t know 27 people. In any case, out of respect for Neth and my fellow bloggers, I suppose I should follow along with the crazyness.
So, here goes.
-Start Copy-
It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.)
Add the next number (1. 2. 3. 4. 5., etc.) and write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general.
After that, tag 10 other people. Link love some friends!
Just think- if 10 people start this, the 10 people pass it onto another 10 people, you have 100 links already!
1. Look, read, and learn. ***
2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other. **
3. Don’t let money change ya! *
4. Always reply to your comments. ****
5. Link liberally — it keeps you and your friends afloat in the Sea of Technorati. *
6. Don’t give up – persistance is fertile. **
7. Give link credit where credit is due. ****
8. Pictures say a thousand words and can usually add to any post.*
9. Participating in ‘memes’ is a distructive habit and should be avoided at all costs. *
10. Don’t hold back.
-End Copy-
I hope I did this properly! It also looks like most of the blogs I read and visit have already been tagged! But, I do tag The Souless Machine Review, Valley of the Archetypes, The Book Swede, and Gav’s Blog! Feel free to continue it, fellow bloggers… or let it die. Whichever best suits you!
Thanks for participating! And yes, you did do it right. I’m just wondering if there is a specific meaning to “Don’t hold back”? The complete list of blogger tips is here:
No problem, Grace. The complete list of blogger tips is great! A lot of my favourite blogs are there!
What I mean by “Don’t hold back” is that you should post what you want, the way you want to.
Does that make more sense?
Hi Aidan! Thanks for clearing it up. It might be in one of my Blog-a-thon posts tomorrow! :)
Looking forward to it, Grace!
I should’ve made my blog tip a portion of the song “the Sign” by Ace of Bass.
I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes.
BTW, you never responded to my last email!
Remy: You know what, I was just thinking earlier today about the fact that I never got back to you! I had a questions I wanted to ask of you, also.
I’ll get right on top of that!
By the way, The Sign is one of the best songs of all time. That’s right of all time!
The Sign definitely opened up my eyes.