The Bonehunters by Steven EriksonSo, I had wanted to wait and announce the 5 winners of the giveaway around the same time that the interview between myself, Steven Erikson and Ian Cameron Esslemont went live. But, as life usually dictates, Steve has been busy finishing up Toll the Hounds and the interview is, understandably, on the back burner.

Don’t fret, though. Ian Cameron Esslemont has completed his portion of the interview, so it is still coming!

That all being said, I just don’t want to wait any longer to announce the winners of the 5 signed copies of The Bonehunters! So, without further adeiu: the winners!


Asi Elart
William Leung
Robert Thompsoncervantor on the SFF World, Malazan Empire, ASOIAF and WOT boards. Also runs a great blog (HERE)!
Theresa LucasSQT the Sci-Fi girl herself! (HERE and HERE)
Jeremy Sobczak

Congratulations to you all! Keep an eye on your postbox!

Thanks to everyone who entered. Steve, Shawn and I were all very excited for the opportunity and we couldn’t be happier with how it turned out! Remember to keep an eye out for future giveaways, interviews and reviews here on A Dribble of Ink!

Also, if you haven’t already, check out my two articles about the time I spent with Steven Erikson a few weeks ago! You can find them HERE and HERE.

If anyone is interested in how I drew the names of the winners: check out THIS terrific web site devoted to true randomness! It’s a life saver!

  • Chris (The Book Swede) November 5, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    Great site, I’ll use that for my future contests :) Congrats to everyone who one! Well done to Robert and SQT, and I beleive William has entered (won, though?) a few contests on my blog before. Lucky devil!


  • Chris (The Book Swede) November 5, 2007 at 11:59 pm

    Spelt believe wrong :(



  • Robert November 6, 2007 at 12:14 pm

    You got to be kidding me!!! Been super-busy cuz my wife is in Toronto on business and I finally get a chance to see what else is happening in the blogosphere and I see this! Wow, I can’t be any happier right now :D

    Thank you very much Aidan, Steven and Shawn. You made my week :D

  • Graeme November 6, 2007 at 5:50 pm

    I wish I lived in America so I could have won (grumblegrumble) ;o)
    Seriously though, great competition Aidan! I can’t wait to see what else you’ve got in store.

  • aidan November 8, 2007 at 10:35 am

    Robert, I’m glad we could make your week! It’s always nice to know that it’s an appreciative fan who will be getting their hands on the book!

    I’ve been a little delayed in getting the novels in the post, but rest assured that they will go out no later than next monday, if not sooner, once things settle down. I need to get them out of my house, I’m running out of room!

    Graeme (and all my other readers across the pond!), I must apologize once again for running this as a North America only contest! If I had the dough to send them across seas I’d love to, but I’m poor!

    Judging by the cost of sending that little Naomi Novik novel over to you, it would have cost me a fortune to ship Erikson’s doorstop novels!

  • SQT November 9, 2007 at 8:45 pm

    Oh how nice!! Sorry I’m so late to see this, I’m moving in a couple of weeks and have been totally frazzled. Thank goodness this should arrive before I leave.

    Thank you so much!

  • Graeme November 11, 2007 at 6:04 am

    *realises how last comment must have sounded…*


    I really appreciated what you did with the Naomi Novik novel and there’s at least four beers waiting for you when you next visit London ;o) I guess I’m just still jealous that you got to meet the man himself!

  • aidan November 12, 2007 at 2:10 pm

    Ahh, no worries Graeme. No offence was taken at your last comment! I’d have loved to have been able to include all of my European readers (of which there are quite a few!) and I should be the one apologizing for leaving them out!

    Besides, The Bonehunters is old news over there, it’s all about Reaper’s Gale and Toll the Hounds by this point!

    As for those pints, you can be sure I’ll take you up on them! Next year, around this time, I plan to be in that area of the world, so we’ll have ample time to shoot the shit!

    I will warn you, however, that after four beers you might not want to see much more of me!

  • Asi December 2, 2007 at 1:39 pm

    Hello Aidan,

    I was so shocked when I got something big in the mail this weekend and noticed where it came from. This is a totally awesome experience and I am honored to have this signed book reside very nicely along side my other Steven Erikson books.

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!

  • aidan December 2, 2007 at 3:01 pm


    Glad to hear it arrived safe and sound! It’s always a thrill to get something other than bills in the mail, eh? Especially when it’s a book!