The Elves of Cintra - Terry BrooksThis is quite possibly one of the coolest things I’ve seen since I started blogging and just had to get the word out there!

Terry Brooks, one of my favourite authors and a genuinely humble and kindhearted man, is offering up the chance of a lifetime! He’s giving one lucky (and generous) person the chance to be a character in the novel he is set to begin writing at the turn of 2008!

Here’s an excerpt from his official web site:

There are few instances where the world of fiction collides with that of reality. Here is one of them.

Terry, who is right now wrapping up the final two chapters in Book Three of the Genesis of Shannara trilogy, will spend the rest of the year planning the new Landover novel. When he starts writing it in January 2008, he will not only have the story to tell but…

… he will have to create a character whose name will come from the real world!

Terry, in conjunction with the World Association for Children and Parents (WACAP), is holding an auction where the winner will have his/her name placed in the new Landover novel, as one of Terry’s characters. This is one of those instances where you can be made immortal—to have your name in a Terry Brooks book is priceless!

Of course, Terry won’t divulge right now if the character will be a hero, a fiend, or creature. You’ll have to wait until the book is placed in Advanced Reader Copy form to find out (ie. you’ll be reading the book before anyone else, before it is even published)!

So, if you want to bid on your name being in a Terry Brooks book, click WACAP Terry Brooks Auction for more information!

Happy Bidding! It is going to a great cause!

Ahh, if only I had the money to bid on this! What an opportunity!

You can find the auction HERE.

  • […] wrote an interesting post today on An Aside | Be a Character in a Terry Brooks Novel!Here’s a quick […]

  • Treven_leah November 13, 2007 at 5:20 pm

    Wow! bids already at 800 dollars. Good work people. I think I will bid again soon :P This is great of Terry to do to help people and spark fans interest in helping as well.