A long, bloody time in the making, Spore finally hit store shelves (of course it had to be 3 days before I leave the country…) and I couldn’t resist picking it up to finally get my hands on it, despite how crappy my PC might run the game. Still, I’ve put a bit of time into the game and have come away utterly charmed!
While the game is a shadow of what was promised years ago (more or less and ‘Everything’-simulator), what is there shines. Spore‘s success lives or dies on its creature creator and, though I’ve only hit the second stage of evolution for my creature (called a Kruppe!), I’m already astounded by the level of customization available and how it all works! The flexibility of the engine becomes rather mind boggling when one takes a look at the Sporepedia and peruses the creatures created by all the other players in the world, a number over 10 million strong.
Here’s a look at the creatures made by my brother and I:
If you want to follow along with my creations (well, mostly my brother’s while I’m gone), you can head on over to my profile in the Sporepedia and see everything that’s come out of my twisted mind!
If you’ve got Spore, be sure to leave my your name so I can add you in game and have your creatures populate my galaxy!
I’m really enjoying Spore, but sometimes the level of customization is almost TOO much for me. I just reached the civilization stage, and the task of designing every building and every vehicle and every THING I want is so daunting I’m afraid to play it again. I worry I’ll get lost and never come back, haha.
Oooh. Spore…
Here’s my profile: http://www.spore.com/view/profile/ElizaW
:D Have fun!
Yeah, Spore is definately the reason I haven’t done any homework since last sunday…
Profile here: