Neil Gaiman’s Coraline is one of my favourite novels. Not only is it a chillingly beautiful read, but it’s the perfect example of how YA can mix with adult fiction and appeal to readers of all ages. Surprisingly, the movie adaptation of the novel seems like it might just do justice to the source material.

From Gaiman’s blog:

It’s hard to promote a film that’s as much for adults as it is for kids, easy for something like this to bomb — or to be perceived as having bombed, which is not the same thing. The advertising is out there for another couple of weeks, and it’ll probably get more pervasive as we get closer to the 6th of February, and will not please your friends. And the run up to Coraline will take over this blog more or less completely, I expect, because it’s all I’ll be doing. And then, after Feb 6th, it will all trail off, and the advertising will die away completely, and it will fade from the blog with occasional splashes of mention if the film does something interesting, or if I go somewhere to help promote it.

I’m always wary about book to movie translations, but it’s hard not to get excited about a project when the author themselves seem to fully support the visual version of their story. Too often movies are more or less ignored by the authors whose work they’re based on, but Gaiman seems fully behind Coraline and that has me fully excited.

  • sbp January 27, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    I certainly plan to go see it.