Tad Williams’ Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series is my favourite completed trilogy. It has everything that makes tradition Epic Fantasy great: magic, a living world, a compelling quest for the protagonist and a memorable cast of characters. It’s nice to see the series getting another push from its publisher by way of a new set of covers.
While I’m a pretty big fan of the Michael Whelan originals, these aren’t too shabby!
These are a very nice set of covers indeed.
I like those actually. I guess since there are 4 books instead of just 3, the new covers are for a re-release of the mmpb only? These would look nice in the trade pb format. I own this series in all 3 formats (need book 1 in hardcover)
Yeah, I think they’re probably MMPB.
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is one of the few series that I made sure to hunt out in Hardcover, Trade Paperback and Mass Market Paperback. They look mighty pretty sitting on my bookshelf!
I assume these are UK re-releases?
The images originate from Amazon.com, so I assume they are going to be released in the US. They do look very UKish in style, though.
I really like the new covers, but I feel like books 3 and 4 should be required to have picture of the green angel tower…
They are rather good looking… will need to see them in person though. I tend to get attached to covers that books have/had when I originally read them – just seeing the cover art can evoke some found memories of reading a book. With that said, if these covers get Tad’s work into more peoples hands, I can see absolutely nothing wrong with a change – they are great books (I should really reread Memory, Sorrow and Thorn sometime).
MST is one of my favorites as well, Aidan. Tad Williams covers consistently impress with the artwork, and though, like you, I’ll always cherish the Whelan originals (I wish I could buy prints), these are pretty impressive as well, particularly the first two.
Orbit UK is the publisher: http://www.tadwilliams.com/