Ahh, this one completely slipped by me! Back on May 17th, A Dribble of Ink celebrated its second birthday and, can you believe it, I didn’t even post any content that day! Shame on me.
Things certainly looked a little differently back then, and I can’t say that I don’t feel I’ve improved since then. In all, though, it’s a little hard for me to believe that I’ve been around as long as I have. When I started A Dribble of Ink, I had little idea what I was getting myself into, and wanted a hobby, more than anything. Two years later, and I’m still at it.
Since starting A Dribble of Ink: I’ve spent months backpacking Europe; worked more jobs than I care to think about; finished University; had angry emails from authors I love; taken up photography; read a lot of good books; and a few of shitty ones; almost completed my first novel, Through Bended Grass; written a handful of short fiction; re-designed my web site four times; and made a lot of cool friends.
Kinda scary, when I think about it.
Thanks to everyone who’s dropped by (and for each and every one of the 200k+ views that I’ve had), because I wouldn’t be around if it wasn’t for the support of the readers (even the faceless ones), the commentors (Edifanob, I’m looking at you!) and all those pesky publishers and authors who’ve granted me an interview, or sent me an avalanche of books that I couldn’t possibly hope to finish, ever. So, here’s to the next two years, and a few more after that!
Thanks everyone.
Aidan, You do a wonderful job.
I have to confess that you are “guilty” that I read the unbelievable and extraordinary The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
I couldn’t withstand to mention it when I wrote about The Angel’s Game. Just look at topic BOOKS at Bona Fide: Weekly Roundup
B L U S H !
I’m still not used to see my name mentioned in a post. Thank you.
I promise to continue to plague you with my comments :>)
“The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them.”
Jeff Jarvis, BuzzMachine, 07-10-2006
Congrats Aidan. A Dribble of Ink is still one of the best genre blogs around, so keep up the good work.
Congratulations Aidan! I look forward to a long future of you blogging!
Congratulations! My blog birthday is in just a week or so.
Happy 2nd, Aidan!
In a world of instant gratification and ADD, longevity is the hardest thing to come by. Congrats on crossing the two year line and keep up the great work.
Congratulations on your 2-year anniversary, Aidan. The blog really does go above and beyond in a number of ways, and I wish you continued success.
I missed it but happy blog birthday! two years already??
[…] of my fellow and favourite bloggers turns two: A Dribble of Ink » Blog Archive » An Aside | A Dribble of Ink turns two! and Fantasy Debut: Fantasy Debut’s Blog […]
Good on you, Aidan!
I finished my first of three about 5 years ago, and only finished the editing/rewriting/agonizing last October. It was Indie Published to good review but slow sales. I’m interested in reading your book, so let me know when you’re published. Meanwhile, here’s the pitch for my first-born, and if you have any interest in it, I’ll be happy to send you a copy for your comments…
One damp day on the wild Co. Mayo coast in late Summer, 1911, a bored Irish shepherd falls into a terrifying, pasture sink-hole. As his father finally pulls him to safety, he finds an ancient artifact has come up in his muddy sleeve. That artifact and subsequent discovery in their lower pasture reveals an archaic secret and a promise, right below their feet. It also unleashes a growing threat to their home, their livelihood and their sheep. If Finn, the shepherd, was hoping that a bit of excitement might come into his simple life, he could never have seen how this single event would unfold. Nor could he have imagined what the secret lying below his fields would mean for the rest of the world.