Now this is a blog I can’t resist! A whack of my favourite authors getting together to blog about all the good things going on in the Science Fiction & Fantasy world?

Our mission is to celebrate everything positive, funky and exciting in the Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror Universe!

The SFFE is a core platform, a hub of authors who have banded together with the aim of celebrating all that is positive in genre fiction. We aim to leave cynicism and negativity at the door, and concentrate on what makes us smile, what entertains us, and what brings light and joy to our SF, fantasy and horror universe.That’s not to say there is no place for criticism— there’s plenty bad in the world. However, this little digital corner is a place for positive progression, somewhere you will (hopefully) come if you want to smile.

The list of authors is endless.

The new Science Fiction and Fantasy Ethics project, aimed at highlighting all the positive and enjoyable aspects of the SFF community, has now got a full-fat no preservative fully-sugared editorial line-up as described below. All, many or none might contribute to articles, reviews and mad missions in the context of this project, depending on personal work commitments, but if nothing else the whole thing promises to be a damn fun bit of, err, fun…


Tony Ballantyne
Eric Brown
Mark Chadbourn
David Devereux
Ian Graham
Paul Kearney
Tim Lebbon
Tom Lloyd
James Lovegrove
Gail Z. Martin
James Maxey
Juliet E. Mckenna
Mark Morris
Andrew Oldham
Sarah Pinborough
Andy Remic
Brian Ruckley
Tim Stretton
James Swallow
Jeffrey Thomas
Jetse de Vries
Danie Ware
Conrad Williams


Nik Butler
Sissy Pantelis
Claire Ralph
Sharon Ring
Mark Smith

Though the site isn’t officially live until June 1st, I’m sure the cast will be providing content worthy of being added to any fan’s RSS reader. Be sure to head on over and check out Science Fiction and Fantasy Ethics HERE.

  • Kendall May 24, 2009 at 6:59 pm

    Your final “HERE” link is missing the first quote mark after href=. Safari interprets this as a URL ending in a quote mark (versus ignoring the quote)…I guess it’s expecting either a matched pair, or no quotes at all. ;-)

  • edifanob May 30, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    I use firefox and for me the link works fine.

    The will go live on 1rst of June but they started posting.
    Anyway I added the blog to my google reader.