If you’re anything like me (and I’d guess you are, since you’re reading a web site about books and writing!), you’re probably always on the prowl for new quality web sites about writing and reading. Well, thanks to Shaun at The World in a Satin Bag, I found a web site that does all the dirty work for us!

Websites for Writers Logo


Websites for writers is an independent directory of online writing resources.

The internet is littered with useful websites aimed at writers of all shapes and sizes. Websites for writers showcases the best of those sites to celebrate their wonderfulness and point writers in the right direction.

You can subscribe to the RSS feed or get regular updates via email for free by submitting your address using the form opposite.

Get involved

This directory is a collaborative effort. It’s not one long list of unmoderated links. The sites featured here are chosen by professional, practising writers. It’s designed to grow and evolve, not sit and stagnate.

And you can help. If you think a site should be included on Websites for writers, let us know through our submission page.

It’s a new website, and still in the early stages of growing, but already it’s chock full of some great sites for readers and writers. I’ve submitted A Dribble of Ink (which I hope will be added!), and even found a few new websites for perusal.

You can find Websites for Writers HERE. So why not head on over and check it out, even submit your site if you have one and it applies. It’s sure to be a great resource in the future.

  • SMD July 3, 2009 at 2:08 pm

    Thanks for the link!

  • Michael July 3, 2009 at 7:00 pm

    Maybe it’s some form of adblocking on my part, but I couldn’t find an actual link to the site (which I was desperate to see). In case anyone else didn’t see it, you can find the site at http://www.websitesforwriters.net/

    Thanks so much for making me aware of the site. Been looking for these sorts of resources.

  • aidan July 4, 2009 at 10:52 am

    No, Michael. I’m just an idiot and forgot to include one! Fixed, now.

    Glad you liked the site.

  • Iain Broome July 6, 2009 at 5:27 am

    Hello and thanks for telling people about Websites for writers (I’m the editor)!!! I did indeed receive your submission and it’s all queued up ready to be added to the site later this week. Keep your eyes peeled! Iain

  • Iain Broome July 6, 2009 at 12:21 pm

    Hello again. Just to say, your site is now online at Websites for writers and can be found here: http://www.websitesforwriters.net/a-dribble-of-ink

    Feel free to spread the word and get people rating!