The Other Lands by David Anthony DurhamAs they’re known to do, Suvudu held an interactive chat yesterday, inviting their readers to chat with David Anthony Durham, author of the recently released The Other Lands (with a surprise appearance by Jay Lake!)

A little taste:

Shawn: Many writers don’t have an opportunity to pick their cover art. They barely have a hand in it. How has your experience been with cover art and the art departments who are supplying them?


I’ve been pretty happy with my covers, but I’ve only been there to nod and say yes to them. Not much more input than that. Every now and then they’ll change a small thing if I want, but that’s about it. Mostly, I’ve been lucky and happy with my publishers’ choices.


[Comment From Nalo Hopkinson]: Do you have your plot all worked out ahead of time?

David Anthony Durham: Nalo, I have the beginning and the end worked out. The middle is often a mystery. The writing process for me is really about exploring that middle, and figuring out how to get to the ending I know is coming.

So head on over and check out the whole chat!