Via, I got word that HarperCollins has released an 85-page (!!!) preview of Robin Hobb’s upcoming release, Dragon Keeper. You can read the excerpt HERE.

I’m a big Hobb fan, but since I haven’t yet been around to The Tawny Man trilogy, I’ll be holding off on Dragon Keeper and its ‘sequel’ (or the-second-half-of-the-novel-disguised-as-a-sequel), Dragon Haven, for fear of spoilers.

On another note, I still can’t resist the overwhelming urge to barf every time I see that cover.

  • adribbleofink January 21, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    New blog post – Read an 85-page excerpt from DRAGON KEEPER by Robin Hobb:

  • YetiStomper January 21, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    @adribbleofink It’s not posted word for word in your blog? You know I can’t click links…

  • adribbleofink January 21, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    @YetiStomper I know its proper to judge the quality of a blog by the length (in metres) of its front page when printed off. Sorry!

  • Derek January 21, 2010 at 10:13 am

    It’s funny, but it looks like the Dragon on the cover is about to do the same thing! Or maybe it just has something lodged in its throat… Either way, it looks ready to unleash something from its maw, and methinks it itsn’t fire :)

  • PiscesMuse January 21, 2010 at 10:44 am

    I tend to ignore the Dragon and look at the city in the background.   This facinates me.  I love the idea of a city in the tree tops.  However, when I focus on the dragon I am similarly (like you) disapointed. 

    That was a bad last sentence but it made perfect sence in my head. 

    I will not be reading the free reading and instead waiting till the book comes in from the library.  Don’t beat me up, I promise that eventually I will buy her book.  It is just that I am on a really tight budget so things like shinny books have to wait.  I do however have ALL of her other Robin Hobb books. 

  • Mac January 25, 2010 at 6:37 am

    Check out the Dutch cover of the same title (Dragon Keeper), by clicking here.
    (Jpeg, bit small)
    I think it’s much better…