  • Adam Whitehead September 23, 2010 at 11:07 am

    KW Jeter is held by some to be a major guiding light in the steampunk movement. He apparently coined the name in a letter to Locus, and both MORLOCK NIGHT (1979) and INFERNAL DEVICES (1987) are held to be early and seminal novels in the subgenre’s development (both long predating THE DIFFERENCE ENGINE, which is sometimes named as the first steampunk novel).

    Obviously the current thirst for steampunk has inspired the publishers to go back to its roots, which is a good idea. Unfortunately, they may run the risk of being lost amongst all the other steampunk titles being published at the moment.

  • Patrick (YetiStomper) September 23, 2010 at 5:09 pm

    Great covers!

  • SQT September 23, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    I love stuff like that. I bought the British edition of “Affinity Bridge” by George Mann and it has a cover that looks a lot like this. Though I must admit these are more colorful and maybe a tad more awesome.

  • […] Did you know that you were being invaded by robots over there in the US and Canada? Mr YetiStomper knew! Angry Robot Books are bringing their unique blend of science fiction, dark fantasy and steampunk across to the States – they report on their second month and show off some gorgeous cover art! […]

  • […] between this and the Angry Robot Books editions of Infernal Devices and Morlock Night by K.W. Jeter, the progenitors of the Steampunk genre have sure been getting some amazing cover […]

  • What are you reading? - Aelyria September 3, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    […] and atmospheric read. Mostly, though, what caught my interest for this book was the cover: (link). The colours are actually a little bit washed out compared to what the book is, but even so… […]