Uh, yeah, I’d say that’s suitably epic for the concluding volume of The Malazan Book of the Fallen. Artist, as with many of the past volumes in the series, is Steve Stone. It’s fun, though, to think of how the cover might have looked if they’d stayed with the style of the original release of Gardens of the Moon!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tor.com and Aidan Moher, Josh Vogt. Josh Vogt said: RT @tordotcom: A Dribble of Ink shows off the artwork for The Crippled God by Steven Erikson! http://bit.ly/cLXmNm […]
Who do you think that is supposed to be? Toblakai? Onos T’oolan? The sword seems a little small though almost closer to a long knife. I’m really hoping Ganoes Paran has a big role in this one he just sorta disappeard :(
He has a shield so it’s probably someone from the Bonehunters…
I really wanna see Ganoes again too :) My favourite character.
Holy hell that’s awesome… O.o
Fantastic. I can’t wait to get my hands on this one. I agree, the cover is suitably epic for the book.
Someone has played with explosives again. :D