Two new images from HBO’s adptation of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire:
More proof that they’ve absolutely nailed Tyrion by casting Peter Dinklage. Like, seriously, that look is classic Tyrion Lannister. He’s a bit too good looking for the role, but that’s about the only knock I can put against him. I wonder if we’ll see Tyrion do a backflip in the television series, mimicking the strangely out-of-character scene from early in A Game of Thrones?
Sansa looks good, older than I’d pictured her, but they’ve aged her (and all the rest of the children) for the sake of the show, so that’s to be expected. There’s been some bellyaching about the size of the Dire Wolf, but, far as I’m concerned, they’re just pups for the first book or two anyway. As long as they grow through the course of the first few seasons, I don’t think it will negatively impact the show. It’s better than shitty CGI animals (which a television show likely wouldn’t have the budget to properly accomplish with any sort of justice).
A few more photos can be found in Entertainment Weekly magazine or at The Making of Game of Thrones website.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Aidan Moher and Aidan Moher, fantasycafe. fantasycafe said: RT @adribbleofink: More new images from HBO's adaptation of A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE: […]
Nice. Good point about the acrobatics of Tyrion. GRRM never did carry that aspect over to the rest. Perhaps it was something that Tyrion ate at the feast. Something that induced random acts of acrobaticness.