Via Charlton (and The Speculative Scotsman):

SPELLBOUND by Blake Charlton (UK Edition)

I really love the US cover for Spellbound. I mean, for a Fantasy nerd like me, what’s not to like about creamy colours, Todd Lockwood and a Dragon? Okay, maybe that font still sucks, but, hey, it’s a small complaint. In comparison, this UK cover for Spellbound is reserved and, well… kinda boring. The runes are at least an attempt to convey the language-based magic system in Charlton’s novels, but a cryptic diamond makes no promises to the reader about the excitement within.

Still, it’s a huge step up from the original cover for the UK release of Charlton’s Spellwright or the unbelievable French cover art.


  • Sarah March 15, 2011 at 9:14 pm

    I agree with you. This cover looks like something that should be on a geometry book. I really like the US cover, though.

  • Matt March 16, 2011 at 8:54 am

    Yep – the name is awful. I think Brandon himself has admitted though that his names are not his strongest suit.

  • Reuben April 2, 2011 at 5:39 am

    Well talk about asking and receiving! Check out my comment for the 2009 UK release of Spellwright, not to toot my horn, but runish script and magic swirlies are a pretty accurate description of the above! I know I had nothing to do with it, but I’m going to walk around all day feeling pretty good about myself! What can I request next…dragons with lightsabers?