I love Under Heaven, and this cover is a great one. The one that Sensawunda linked to is the cover on the copy I have (which is a hardcover). Have you read or reviewed anything else that Guy Gavriel Kay has written? If you haven’t you really need to–I actually think Under Heaven is about middle of the pack when it comes to his novels.
That is much better than the linked to cover, buy my favorite cover for UH is still this one: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_FFXwdxbTPCQ/S-IteucxYrI/AAAAAAAABAw/ZI8YPnwWfBg/s1600/42Under+Heaven+US.jpg. I haven’t read it yet but it’s high up on my TBR pile.
I love Under Heaven, and this cover is a great one. The one that Sensawunda linked to is the cover on the copy I have (which is a hardcover). Have you read or reviewed anything else that Guy Gavriel Kay has written? If you haven’t you really need to–I actually think Under Heaven is about middle of the pack when it comes to his novels.
Great book, great cover. Also excellent on audio.