Via DIY:
Nori, Ori and Dori
Fili and Kili
Bombur, Bifur, and Bofur
Oin and Gloin
Yeah… not quite how I pictured them in my head. Still, I suppose it would have made for a somewhat visually bland (and confusing) cast of characters if each of the dwarfs had been hoary, white-bearded curmudgeons like these guys:
Even if they’ll take some getting used to, it assures me that Jackson has the intent to capture some of The Hobbit‘s wonderful humour and light-heartedness; though those irked by Gimli in The Lord of the Rings adaptation likely won’t appreciate this interpretation of Tolkien’s dwarfs. Now, if only they’d release photos of the dwarfs I actually care about!
EDIT: Bombur and Gloin! via Blastr
They’ve released others…
Here’s Oin & Gloin:
And Bofur, Bombur & Bifur:
Care about any of those?
Yes! Gloin and Bombur!
[…] Comment: The Hobbit Dwarves, posted by A Dribble of Ink […]
[…] much more to add since my previous observations, other than that I always pictured Thorin to be older. Oh, and Dwalin was always the lamest dwarf […]
I think they took the geometric dwarf theme too far here — the dwarves’ weapons look like something out of Final Fantasy.
I never cared for how rigidly they stuck to that rule, that the dwarves in the films only have square edges on things…I mean, come on, Gimli’s axe had a square haft! How ridiculous is that? Not only would it be weaker structurally, the just sounds really uncomfortable, even for tough old dwarf hands….