What is this. I don’t even… It’s a placeholder, right? Should even placeholder covers be this bad? I mean, I know it’s not a Malazan novel (can you imagine?), or even Fantasy, but this is bad by any genre’s standards.
Yup. That’s awful. It’s the kind of thing you’d rig up if you were writing something for a creative writing class and you got so wasted the night before that you forgot, and threw some stock photos together 10 minutes before it was due.
Yup. That’s awful. It’s the kind of thing you’d rig up if you were writing something for a creative writing class and you got so wasted the night before that you forgot, and threw some stock photos together 10 minutes before it was due.
The first thing I thought was: ‘That’s not the pheasant plucker, it’s the pheasant plucker’s son.’ Hope the blurb on the back is clearer.
I kinda liked it until I realized the feathers were feathers, not knives. Buzz kill.
Looks way too much like a self-published novel cover.