agreed. I’ve been pretty critical of Sweet’s WOT covers for a while, but this one looks like it would have been great. Especially fitting for the title of the book.
I find it very interesting that there are “dots” within the different colors in the “yin-yang” cloud, as those aren’t present within the series. I wonder if that’s an error on Sweet’s part or something that’s going to be an issue in the final book… awesome!
@David — Oh, interesting. At first I couldn’t grok what that was on the top of the pillar. The three ladies staring at it in dismay is certainly telling.
Haha yes indeed. Though personally I’m hoping Rand doesn’t _really_ die at the end. I’m hoping Sweet might be going for a more “metaphorical” image there since 1) while there seems to be an Elayne type (redhead), none of the other two make me think “Min” (still see her as a pants-wearin’ gal). In addition, I thought there was some prophecy about that former Seanchan slave who was supposed to have a role in Rand’s “death” (perhaps this image is set after that). R.I.P. Sweet & Jordan, in any case.
Whelan and Sweet were each given the same 3 scenes to choose from for their cover. Irene over at Tor has confirmed that she and Whelan came to the conclusion that they should use one of the other scenes for Whelan’s cover. So, the scene itself will be different. However, I’d expect thematic similarities that tie in with the title of the book – not triumph, but mourning and losss.
It is stunning. I’m wondering about location. It looks like dragonmount in the background but I always assumed this scene would take place near shayol goul.(sp?)
I thought it was some kind of altar and all the women were staring up at it like “How are we suppose to get up there?!” and bemoaning their predicament. All kidding aside, it’s still very ethereal.
agreed. I’ve been pretty critical of Sweet’s WOT covers for a while, but this one looks like it would have been great. Especially fitting for the title of the book.
I find it very interesting that there are “dots” within the different colors in the “yin-yang” cloud, as those aren’t present within the series. I wonder if that’s an error on Sweet’s part or something that’s going to be an issue in the final book… awesome!
Er, also–what makes you so sure Rand isn’t on the cover? Look closely at that elevated figure.
@David — Oh, interesting. At first I couldn’t grok what that was on the top of the pillar. The three ladies staring at it in dismay is certainly telling.
It certainly looks like the fulfillment of the vision of interpreted as Elayne, Min and Aviendha mourning Rand’s death. Though, I don’t see a boat.
Haha yes indeed. Though personally I’m hoping Rand doesn’t _really_ die at the end. I’m hoping Sweet might be going for a more “metaphorical” image there since 1) while there seems to be an Elayne type (redhead), none of the other two make me think “Min” (still see her as a pants-wearin’ gal). In addition, I thought there was some prophecy about that former Seanchan slave who was supposed to have a role in Rand’s “death” (perhaps this image is set after that). R.I.P. Sweet & Jordan, in any case.
I didn’t notice the body on the pyre until it was pointed out. Shows how much I pay attention -_- Lovely colors though
I can’t quite make out the body, either.
This is a striking image. I wonder how much Whelan’s will differ.
@Rob B — It will differ significantly. Irene Gallo confirmed that Whelan is painting a different scene from the book.
Whelan and Sweet were each given the same 3 scenes to choose from for their cover. Irene over at Tor has confirmed that she and Whelan came to the conclusion that they should use one of the other scenes for Whelan’s cover. So, the scene itself will be different. However, I’d expect thematic similarities that tie in with the title of the book – not triumph, but mourning and losss.
It’s that horizontal thing with feet on top of the wood. Not being sarcastic. I didn’t see it either.
It’s a schooner!
A-HA, I see it now! Thanks AM, I was looking at the image as a crucifix, thinking I should be seeing the feet at the bottom.
It is stunning. I’m wondering about location. It looks like dragonmount in the background but I always assumed this scene would take place near shayol goul.(sp?)
I thought it was some kind of altar and all the women were staring up at it like “How are we suppose to get up there?!” and bemoaning their predicament. All kidding aside, it’s still very ethereal.
Would be cool if they released this as a special edition or alternate cover or something.
What a great cover. Favorite of the series for sure.
Still not convinced there’s a body on top of that ‘pyre’.. or tree? How hard do I have to squint, or did you guys re-size the image?
(File under ‘my eyes, my eyes! i can’t see my eyes!’)
@pnorl — Click on the image to see a larger version of it!
[…] Darrell K. Sweet’s unfinished cover for A Memory of Light. […]
Well, in the spirit of the books, I think Whelan should just finish DKS’s painting.
Haha, that easy huh? Doesn’t always have to be rocket science does it?!
[…] Unfinished Cover: A Memory of Light by Darrell K. Sweet, posted by A Dribble of Ink […]
Wow, I have NEVER liked the WoT covers at all, but I actually think this one would have looked amazing.
[…] last week, with the unfinished artwork for Darrell K. Sweet’s painting for the cover of A Memory of Light, the final volume in […]