Unfettered, edited by Shawn Speakman

That line-up still blows my mind.

Fun fact: Todd Lockwood, who created the art for the cover, incorporated Speakman’s likeness into the figure on the cover. It looks just like him, and I take some perverse joy in the fact that the latest in the endless line of hooded figures looks just like my friend.

As for the art, it’s a nice departure from Lockwood, who continues to be one of my favourite Fantasy artists. Love the brooding colour scheme and the liberal use of purple, which you don’t see very often.

You can learn more about Unfettered on the Grim Oak Press website.

  • Kenall August 5, 2012 at 12:43 pm

    Great cover art, and yeah, the line-up’s amazing. I started counting how many names on the cover I knew, but it was simpler to count how many I didn’t know (two, and now I realize it’s really only one that I don’t know of).

  • LeNainJaune August 6, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    Mister Lockwood went over the top with this one. A little too much for my taste. Still, he is one of the best illustrators, a true artist.

  • Shawn Speakman August 7, 2012 at 11:45 am

    Todd has never done a collage before but since the book is an anthology he decided to take elements from the donated short stories and incorporate them into one piece. He did a great job for the amount of stuff he had to include! :)

    And thanks for posting about this Aidan. Super nice of you. The pre-ordering period is coming soon.

  • Clinton D Harding August 7, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    Beautiful cover art. The character exudes power and strength more than mystery (though its there). The addition of the face, with the detailed I’m-not-to-be-messed-with expression does a lot to elevate the guy from being just a mystery in a hood and cloak. Add that with the fiaries, the tower, the serpent, and crows (I think those are crows) and the cover takes on a ominous feel. It’s good work. Love the colors, dark but vibrant.

    My real reason for commenting… Look at the list of authors! A fantasy fan would be remiss if he or she didn’t pick this anthology up. I know I will be!! Speakman out did himself gathering these titans together.