Ellen Datlow, a decorated short fiction editor known for her various award-winning anthologies, has been hired on as a Consulting Fiction Editor for Tor.com, the website announced today. She joins Ann VanderMeer, who joined the Tor.com team several weeks ago, also as a Consulting Fiction Editor.
Since 2008, Tor.com has been a leading market for science fiction and fantasy short fiction. Several of our stories have been Hugo and Nebula finalists, Charlie Jane Anders’ “Six Months, Three Days” won the Hugo Award for Best Novelette in 2012 and Kij Johnson’s “Ponies” won the Nebula in 2011. Since the beginning, much of our fiction has been acquired and edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden. In 2010, Liz Gorinsky began buying and editing for the site, and earlier this year, Ann VanderMeer also joined our team.
Now, we’re pleased to announce that Ellen Datlow is joining us as a Consulting Fiction Editor!
You probably recognize Datlow’s name, but for those who don’t, you can probably look out your window on a dark and see the halo emanating from her trophy shelf, which includes a few Hugos, a Bram Stoker award, and a record-setting nine (9!) World Fantasy Awards. She’s edited more anthologies than you, me and that other guy combined, and is one of the most respected short fiction editors in the business. As with the hiring of VanderMeer, this is a good sign for those who are looking to submit short fiction to Tor.com, who has, in the past, had infuriatingly long wait times for submitted fiction. Not only is the team expanding, but the talent is growing significantly. One wonders what Tor.com is gearing up for by hiring these big name editors. Whatever it is, it’ll be good news all around for those who like to read (or write) short fiction.
You can find more about Datlow and her works on her official website.
I’ve read a couple of books that she’s edited. Tor’s getting one valuable addition to their team!
She gave me an Honourable Mention in her latest Year’s Best Horror, so I can only say good luck to her and her signing on is a bonus for Tor.