
Back to the Future II (or, the best Back to the Future film) is set, mostly, in 2015. It’s full of hover boards, self-drying jackets, and self-tying shoes, and generally seems pretty damn awesome. Well, the film might have got a few things wrong in its projection of the psychedelic and futuristic society we now live in, but we can dare to dream about what the next decade will bring, right?

To celebrate the film trilogy, artist Andy Fairhurst has created “88 MPH”, a triptych of posters that beautifully illustrate the power of everyone’s favourite DeLorean. When you’re done drooling at “88 MPH”, the rest of Fairhurst’s DeviantArt gallery is full of beautiful custom illustrated movies posters.

  • Dave Thompson January 13, 2015 at 7:57 am

    I do love those movies. Haven’t seen them in ages.