I stumbled across the blog of artist Seamas Gallagher, and found some pretty neat artwork based on Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series. It turns out that Seamas is involved with the Dabel Bros. and is behind some of the cover variants for their upcoming comic book adaptation of The Wheel of Time. You can click on each of the pictures to see a larger version.

Ran al'Thor from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher.Mat Cauthon from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher. Perring Aybara from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher.Padan Fain from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher. Thom Merrilin from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher.Logain Ablar from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher. Balthamel from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher.Sammael from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher.
Trollocs from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time, painted by Seamas Gallagher.

I’ve always been a fan of the over-exaggerated, comic-booky style used here, so these immediately appealed to me, even if they don’t exactly match the images in my head. I suppose they won’t be for everyone, though. Seamas has a ton of art on his blog and online portfolio, including more Wheel of Time artwork. He seems to have portraits done of most of the major characters in the series, so if I left out your favourite, give his blog a look and you’re sure to find it.

  • Seth August 25, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    Wow, that wound in Rand’s side looks even worse than I’d imagined it. Poor guy.

  • Carmen Papaleo August 26, 2009 at 8:38 am

    I agree. I’ve been watching his website for months. If they had this guy design a calendar for wheel of time it would sell out in a heartbeat. He really nails the characters. Even the more obscure ones. The guy is talented, and he’s done his homework.

  • Freddy G. December 31, 2009 at 6:42 pm

    Very cool you should keep going until you make all the important characters. Padan Fain looks creepy.

  • Colton S. January 23, 2010 at 6:54 am

    Wow. i love the books and i never thought of the charaters much untill now. i noticed a few things. 1. Rand’s sword lacks the heron at the hilt. 2. Padan Fain is truely messed up in the head. 3. Perrin looks like a bear. he would win any wrestling compitition.

  • Eli October 30, 2010 at 6:29 am

    Well, his sword would lack the heron hilt since his heron-marked sword was destroyed in battle and he now uses the sword Aviendah gave him…

  • […] when I posted these great Wheel of Time portraits by Seamas Gallagher? Well, that post proved incredibly popular and is the third most viewed article […]

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  • […] and especially the official artwork that has appeared over the years. My favourite has always been Seamas Gallagher’s portrait, but this one is also near the top. I like how Rand looks like an adult, grim and capable, grown […]

  • okpaire benjamin July 9, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    wow these wheel of time characters
    are awesome i like them