When Blake Charlton showed up on last week’s Functional Nerds podcast, I just knew I had to be on. Not for any sort of rational reason. Just that Blake found a soapbox from which to be witty, and I had to outdo him!

So, it goes without saying, I was rather chuffed when Patrick Hester and John Anealio asked me to appear on the ninth episode of The Functional Nerds, which is quickly becoming one of my goto podcasts every week (even before I appeared on it!)

The three of us shoot the shit for about a hour and fifteen minutes and cover everything from Terry Goodkind’s crazy antics to Hooves and the Hovel of Abdel Jameela, my sad lack of knowledge of the Canadian comic book industry and Star Wars to some other bloggers and why I’m intensely jealous of them, my new Kobo eReader to upcoming novels we’re looking forward to (like The Last Page by Anthony Huso and Swords and Dark Magic, edited by Lou Anders and Jonathan Strahan). I had an absolute blast and hope to be back again!

So, what are you waiting for?
