Tomorrow marks the release of The Blinding Knife, the second volume of Brent Weeks’ The Lightbringer series. It also happens to be one of my favourite novels of 2012, and I’d love for it, and the series in general, to make it into the hands of as many readers as possible. Thanks to Orbit Books, Weeks’ publisher, the first three chapters of The Black Prism, the first volume of The Lightbringer series, are available to devour, free of charge.
Read an excerpt from The Black Prism on the Orbit Books website.
It’s not as good as a free eBook, but it’s a good way to check out Weeks’ work. If you like what you see, keep an eye out for my upcoming review of The Blinding Knife, and I’ll tell you just why I fell so in love with Weeks’ novel.
This post was cruel. How is reading the first 3 chapters “catching up”? I thought this was going to be one of those epic posts where you break down all the major plot points of the first book and who’s where doing what when it ends. Everything we’d need to know or be reminded of going into book 2. This post fails.
Haha! Sorry. Who do you think I am? Adam Whitehead. I’ve not the prowess to write those amazing posts that he does!
I was just messing with you Aidan BUT I did postpone my re-read after seeing the title of this post on my reader!