
I’ve made no secret of my excitement for Elizabeth Bear’s The Eternal Sky trilogy. I recently sang my praise of the trilogy in a review of the final volume, Steles of the Sky, which was released yesterday:

Bear fills Steles of the Sky, and the entire trilogy, with a masterfully crafted meld of Asian and Middle Eastern mythology, legend and history with the wholly unique and deeply considered secondary world she has created. Shedding the tried and true landscapes and politics of faux-medieval western Europe, Bear introduces readers to a diverse world and political landscape that avoids feeling like the same ol’, same ol’, despite readers a story that uses many of the genre’s most recognizable tropes—ancient magic; an exiled youth of royal blood; a journey from one side of the map to the other; evil sorcerers; dragons; clashing armies.

So, it is with no small amount of enthusiasm that I pass along news that Bear has sold a sequel trilogy, The Lotus Kingdom, to Tor Books. “While Range of Ghosts, Shattered Pillars, and Steles of the Sky comprise a complete story arc in and of themselves,” said Bear, via The Big Idea on John Scalzi’s blog, “I can now reveal that Tor will be publishing at least three more books in this world.”

The Lotus Kingdoms, will follow the adventures of two mismatched mercenaries–a metal automaton and a masterless swordsman–who become embroiled in the deadly interkingdom and interfamilial politics in a sweltering tropical land.

The first volume of The Lotus Kingdom will be released in (*gasp*) 2017. Meanwhile, if you haven’t read The Eternal Sky trilogy, you should, starting with Range of Ghosts: Book/eBook.

  • Paul (@princejvstin) April 9, 2014 at 7:42 am

    Top drawer Silk Road Fantasy, the trope codifier.

  • Graeme Flory April 10, 2014 at 12:59 am

    Do you know if these are the same two characters that appear in the short story ‘The Ghost Makers’? I’d love to read more about them.

  • » Blog Archive » Pretty hype machine April 10, 2014 at 8:31 am

    […] Aidan Moher is excited about the Lotus Kingdoms announcement. […]

  • Sol April 10, 2014 at 8:45 am

    Graeme, word from the horse’s mouth is they are the characters from “The Ghost Makers”, yes.

  • Tabitha (@Pabkins) April 10, 2014 at 12:11 pm

    Hah! That is exciting to hear because I recently just picked up the first two books in The Eternal Sky just last week!