“Tor Books is eye-wideningly excited to announce that TWO new Mistborn novels by Brandon Sanderson will be released in late 2015!” announced Tor.com today. Sanderson fans were already aware that the first of these novels, Shadows of Self, was due for a 2015 release, but the announcement of a 2015 release for Bands on Mourning (which is, like, the most post-ironic black metal band collaborative name ever) is a pleasant surprise.
“If there’s one thing we’ve learned in ten years of working with Brandon, it’s that he almost always delivers more than we’ve asked for and that he loves to surprise us,” said Sanderson’s agent, Moshe Feder.
Tor Books’s proclamation that Sanderson’s releasing two novels next year is a tad misleading. Shadows of Self will hit shelves in October 2015, but Bands of Mourning won’t arrive until January 2016.
Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning are the concluding volumes in Sanderson’s Mistborn pedantically-named spinoff series, the Wax and Wayne Mistborn tetralogy. Given my enjoyment of the first volume, The Alloy of Law, I’m looking forward to seeing what sort of fun Sanderson has with Wax and Wayne on their next outing(s).
UPDATE – 12-19-2014: Sanderson has revealed that there’s actually a third Mistborn novel, tentatively titled The Lost Metal, coming. This will bump the full Wax and Wayne Mistborn series to four books at its conclusion. The final three volumes announced here will be feature a more traditional trilogy structure, with The Alloy of Law acting as a prequel/set-up narrative. The trilogy will include: Shadows of Self, Bands of Mourning, and The Lost Metal. Sanderson then plans to work on the next Mistborn trilogy, tentatively set in a world that mirrors the 1980s (or, he hints, there’s a possibility that he’ll write something set in an amalgam of the ’40s.)
Gollancz has announced that Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning will be released in the UK in October 2015 and January 2016 respectively.
Huh? Shadows of Self & Bands of Mourning are books 2 & 3 in the Wax & Wayne quartet; there’s a fourth one tentatively titled “The Lost Metal” (see http://brandonsanderson.com/state-of-the-sanderson-december-2014/)
@David — This post was written before Brandon published that post (but scheduled for publication afterwards), so it only contained the original information contained in the Tor.com post. I’ll update the post above when I have a moment tomorrow morning. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks, Aidan & David, for these interesting news. Brandon really has an amazing output, no idea how the guy does that!
BTW, Aidan, I don’t think that you enjoyed The Allow of Law but rather The Alloy of Law! :-p
@Jens — If you’ll allow, I need more coffee.
I’m pretty sure Sanderson has a Shardpen. :)
Coffee is always a good idea! ;-)
In fact, I myself didn’t catch the typo the first time I read through your post – which was before I had my morning cup of coffee! :-p