Monthly Archives: November 2012

The Emperor of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

Yay for consistency and impact. I love the progression over the course of the trilogy from the tired-and-overdone hooded figure to this figure, cockiness replaced by ambition and power. Great stuff, and perfect for Lawrence’s trilogy. I still don’t like the title font, but, hey, you can’t win ’em all, can you?

Starcraft: Heart of the Swarm

As reported by several websites, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm, the second in a planned trilogy of games that will together form StarCraft II, is set for release in March, 2013, just a few months away. Polygon explains what fans have to look forward to in March:

Heart of the Swarm will be available at a suggested retail price of $39.99 both in stores and digitally from the official StarCraft 2 website. A collector’s Edition that includes digital and physical bonus items will also be available at select retail stores for $79.99. This includes a behind-the-scenes DVD and Blu-ray, a collector’s edition soundtrack, a hardcover art book and a Zerg Rush mousepad.

Users can receive both Heart of the Swarm and StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty from for a discounted price of $59.99 — a 24 percent discount from its $79.98 price tag when purchased together.

Having not played the first in the StarCraft II trilogy (I guess?), the option of buying both games for sixty bucks is appealing, but it does chafe a bit to pay nearly full price for what is, ostensibly, the second/middle part of a game, regardless of how much content/how many missions are available in each ‘part.’ Just a matter of branding, though, I suppose. StarCraft: Wings of Liberty, StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm, and StarCraft: Legacy of the Void wouldn’t seem so bad, would it?

Emilie and the Hollow World by Martha Wells

While running away from home for reasons that are eminently defensible, Emilie’s plans to stow away on the steamship Merry Bell and reach her cousin in the big city go awry, landing her on the wrong ship and at the beginning of a fantastic adventure.

Taken under the protection of Lady Marlende, Emilie learns that the crew hopes to use the aether currents and an experimental engine, and with the assistance of Lord Engal, journey to the interior of the planet in search of Marlende’s missing father.

With the ship damaged on arrival, they attempt to traverse the strange lands on their quest. But when evidence points to sabotage and they encounter the treacherous Lord Ivers, along with the strange race of the sea-lands, Emilie has to make some challenging decisions and take daring action if they are ever to reach the surface world again.

Another in a string of great covers from Strange Chemistry, the YA spin-off of Angry Robot Books headed by Amanda Rutter, a former blogger and friend of this blog, and another great cover for Martha Wells, who seems blessed by the cover art Gods. I haven’t read any of Wells’ work, but with covers like these, I’m damn well tempted.

God's War by Kameron HurleyYou like free things, right? And you like good, critically-lauded novels? Of course you do.

Thanks to Night Shade Books, you can pick up eBook versions of the first two novels by Kameron Hurley (remember her? She wrote this awesome blog post), God’s War and Infidel. How do you get ’em? It’s easy, just send an email to the following address:

[email protected]

It’s that easy. And, you know, you’re just not going to find a better deal than that this week. So, hop on it. Conveniently, this promotion comes just in time for the release of Rapture, the third and final volume in the Bel Dame Apocrypha

If you’re curious about why you should be excited by Hurley’s series, check out Justin Landon’s recent review of God’s War, and keep an eye on A Dribble of Ink for upcoming reviews of both Infidel and Rapture.