Posts Tagged: Avatar: The Last Airbender


Images via Sokka’s Cactus Juice

The first two seasons of The Legend of Korra were problematic for a few reasons. Chief among these is its lack of an identity and defined set of goals. Avatar: The Last Airbender established its goal in the first episode: save the world from the machinations of the Fire Nation and its power-hungry leader. The Legend of Korra, on the other hand, can’t decide if it’s a coming-of-age story, an exploration of social and political revolution, a buddy-cop comedy, or an epic fantasy. Instead of dedicating itself to a tight focus, it splits its attention between all of these themes and doesn’t do any of them particularly well. Read More »

Exploring Avatar: The Last Airbender
Pop Culture is full of phenomena. These phenomena capture the imagination of millions, and dominate talk around water coolers, Internet forums, Twitter and pub tables. Many factors lead to the formulation of such zeitgeists, such as focussed marketing, fresh storytelling that taps into flash-in-the-pan societal fears and interests, a bold take on traditional concepts, or, well, because they’re just damn easy and accessible. Such phenomena, by their very nature, come and go. They sweep through fans like a fever, and burn out just as quickly.

Lost was a cultural phenomenon… until the second and third seasons when the show-runners jumped the trails and lost control of their script. As I write this, “Gangnam Style” is sweeping America, Europe and the rest of the world, yet Psy, the Korean musician behind the hit, will likely never release another song which significantly impacts Western pop music.

There are phenomena like Pokemon: a weird, complex Japanese videogame and television series that captured the attention of children fifteen years ago and still hasn’t let go. Each new iteration of the video game series sells millions of copies, and the animated series is still running today. Most famously, there is also J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. When it first rose to wide prominence at the turn of this century, it was easy to dismiss Rowling’s work as a fad. But then it kept on going, and going, and going. Harry Potter and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are now literary staples on the same level as Bilbo Baggins and the Pevensies.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

So, last weekend, I decided, finally, to start watching Avatar: The Last Airbender, after years of being pestered by my best friend. I threw a quick question out on twitter, asking for opinions on the show and was inundated by positive responses, some of which came from my favourite Fantasy authors. I couldn’t say no after that. I’m nearing the end of the first season now, and I’m thrilled by the show. It’s beautiful, it breaks down stereotypes, features an ethnically diverse cast, and manages to be thematically strong with both broad and narrow brushes.

So, to celebrate my discovery, and maybe encourage you to give the show a shot this weekend, I’ve gathered together a gallery of some of my favourite art from Avatar: The Last Airbender (and The Legend of Korra, its sequel) in a nice little gallery.

Have you watched Avatar: The Last Airbender? If so, what do you think of it? How are you enjoying The Legend of Korra?