Posts Tagged: Kingkiller Chronicles


While fans wait patiently for The Doors of Stone, the third volume in Patrick Rothfuss’ massively popular Kingkiller Chronicles, the author has been busy on several projects, including work on the final volume, The Doors of Stone. The most imminent of these, due for release in November, is The Slow Regard of Silent Things, a novella announced by Rothfuss in April, 2014.

If there’s anything that Rothfuss wants to make clear about The Slow Regard of Silent Things, however, it’s that the novella is not the third volume in the Kingkiller Chronicles. “It’s not a mammoth tome that you can use to threaten people and hold open doors,” Rothfuss explained in his announcement post. “It’s a short, sweet story about one of my favorite characters. It’s a book about Auri.”

In the announcement post, Rothfuss revealed an early synopsis for the novella:

The Slow Regard of Silent Things is set at The University where the brightest minds work to unravel the mysteries of enlightened sciences, such as artificing and alchemy. Auri, a former student (and a secondary but influential character from Rothfuss’s earlier novels) now lives alone beneath the sprawling campus in a maze of ancient and abandoned passageways. There in The Underthing, she feels her powers and learns to see the truths that science—and her former classmates—have overlooked.

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The Wise Man's Fear, Art by Marc Simonetti

The Wise Man’s Fear, Art by Marc Simonetti reports on the latest issue of Locus Magazine:

The September 2012 issue of Locus Magazine lists a recent book sale by Patrick Rothfuss to his longtime editor (and 2012 Hugo winner) Betsy Wollheim at science fiction/fantasy publisher DAW Books. The sale is listed as “the first book in a new fantasy series” by the Kingkiller Chronicles author.

It’s unclear whether this will be related to his mega-successful Kingkiller Chroncicles, though I still stand by my guess that he will write a follow-up trilogy to his first series, picking up with ‘present day’ Kvothe/Kote resuming/completing his goal to destroy the Chandrian. There’s a good likelihood that this is what we’re looking at here. Not a suprise that Rothfuss would ink another deal with DAW, but nice to have it confirmed, nonetheless. It also suggest that they’re now looking beyond the final volume of the Kingkiller Chronicles, The Doors of Stone, which is good news.

It’s been a heck of a week for Betsy Wollheim, who recently took home the Hugo Award for ‘Best Editor, Long Form,’ largely on the back of the success of The Wise Man’s Fear.