Posts Tagged: Tor UK

Dreadnought by Cherie PriestGanymede by Cherie Priest UK

In a bubble, I don’t mind them. They match up somewhat well stylistically with the original cover for Boneshaker (which is used in both North America and the United Kingdom), even if the technique is a different and not nearly as appealing. I also appreciate that they feature strong heroines that haven’t been over-sexualized. But, compared against the covers for the North American editions, including the fourth volume, The Inexplicables, Dreadnought and Ganymede can’t hold a candle. Another case of the pendulum swinging slowly in favour of North America when it comes to covers.

I thought this was a pretty cool quote from Robert Jordan, describing the Wheel of Time:

I’ve written a few million words so far, and you want me to summarize in six? Well, here goes. Cultures clash, worlds change; cope. I know; only five. But I hate to be wordy.

– Robert Jordan, Dec, 2000

Succinct, yet grand and appropriate for the series. I wonder if the importance given to the clash of culture was something that existed when the early outlines were made (I’m talking pre-Eye of the World-trilogy-time), or if that was something that grew in the telling of the story. Also, love the small bit of humour at the end.

If you had to describe the Wheel of Time series in six-or-less words, what would you say?

Railsea by China Mieville


THIS IS THE STORY of a bloodstained boy.

There he stands, swaying as utterly as any windblown sapling. He is quite, quite red. If only that were paint! Around each of his feet the red puddles; his clothes, whatever colour they were once, are now a thickening scarlet; his hair is stiff & drenched.

Only his eyes stand out. The white of each almost glows against the gore, lightbulbs in a dark room. He stares with great fervour at nothing.

The situation is not as macabre as it sounds. The boy isn’t the only bloody person there: he’s surrounded by others as red & sodden as he. & they are cheerfully singing.

The boy is lost. Nothing has been solved. He thought it might be. He had hoped that this moment might bring clarity. Yet his head is still full of nothing, or he knows not what.

We’re here too soon. Of course we can start anywhere: that’s the beauty of the tangle, that’s its very point. But where we do & don’t begin has its ramifications, & this right now is not best chosen. Into reverse: let this engine go back. Just to before the boy was bloodied, there to pause & go forward again to see how we got here, to red, to music, to chaos, to a big question mark in a young man’s head.

Another year, another China Mieville novel. This one is a re-telling of Moby Dick, in the future, with trains and moles replacing boats and whales. Yep, sounds like Mieville.

You can find the whole excerpt of Railsea, with illustrations from Mieville, on the Tor UK website.